
Welcome to The Front Church

The Front Church is a new non-denominational Christian church in the southern part of the Salt Lake Valley. New? Not particularly religious? From another tradition? We are preparing for all sorts of company. We can’t wait for your 0-12 year old kids to experience KidFront. We think they’ll love it! Come no strings attached. We can’t wait to meet you!

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"Why Did People Reject Jesus? (Hint: It wasn't because he was a jerk.)"

[July 21, 2024] Rejection. Sometimes this topic gets confusing because Christians can fall into the trap of thinking, “Because I was rejected, I am doing Jesus’ work.” But rejection is not validation that you’re doing the work of Jesus. Luke’s Gospel shares a story of Jesus being rejected. Why did they reject Jesus and his message? This story is key for us in understanding what it means to face rejection because of Jesus (and what it doesn’t). Be sure to watch.

What is your next step? Fill out a Digital Connect Card and let us know. 

    "Anxiety: What do we do with our worry?"

    [July 14, 2024] Anxiety. Jesus says, “Do not worry.” But how?! How do we not worry? What happens in a fit of worry? Of anxiety? Our Lead Pastor Nate Ray takes time to dive into this question by looking at Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 6, and into a real life example of anxiety in the Bible from a surprising person. Be sure to watch.

    Two things to note:

    1. Before the message, Nate takes a minute to address the assassination attempt on former President Trump, and to pray for our political leaders former, current and future.
    2. We have an exciting announcement with a building update! Be sure to catch yourself up!

    What is your next step? Fill out a Digital Connect Card and let us know. 

      "How's This Supposed to Work, God?"

      [June 30, 2024] Welcome to Celebration Sunday, our final Sunday meeting in Summit Academy HS. If you missed this message, you’ll want to catch yourself up. It was a special Sunday, reminiscing on all God has done, and anticipating all He has yet to do.

      What is your next step? Fill out a Digital Connect Card and let us know. 

        "The 'Why' Behind KidFront"

        [June 16, 2024] With Kid’s Camp on the horizon, our Lead Pastor Nate Ray reflects on Jesus’ words to his disciples: “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Nate explains our “why” behind KidFront and Kid’s Camp. Even if you don’t have kids, or aren’t a KidFront volunteer, this message has things for all of us to consider. 

        What is your next step? Fill out a Digital Connect Card and let us know. 

        Share your story about God’s work in your life through The Front Church here!

          "Not a Building" - What is Church Part 1

          [April 14, 2024] “What is Church? More than four walls.” Our Lead Pastor Nate Ray kicks off our new teaching series around this foundational question. In Matthew 16, Jesus defines church, clarifies the messiah he will be, and clarifies the mission his people will be about. As we dive in, we’ll discover buried treasure. We’ll find our definitions challenged and expanded; we’ll remember whose church this is, and what Jesus promises: not even death can overcome what he’s up to in the world.

          What is your next step? Fill out a Digital Connect Card and let us know. 

            "A Living Hope" - Easter 2024

            [March 31, 2024] You don’t want to miss Pastor Nate’s powerful Easter message. The Christian story is not a story of escape to heaven, but of the invasion of heaven, into our broken lives and into our broken world. Easter invites us into living hope – our God hasn’t abandoned the world, but is at work in the world; our God hasn’t abandoned us, but is at work in us. Brokenness doesn’t have the last word; death doesn’t have the last word. Restoration has the final word; life has the final word; God has the final word.

            What is your next step? Fill out a Digital Connect Card and let us know. 

            Curious about the big story of the Christian faith? Be sure to check out the 5 week teaching series, The Big Story

              "Church Plant Sunday" (and a special announcement)

              [March 3, 2024] Our apologies for the technical difficulties with our livestream today; here is today’s message. This week, we take a break from our series, “The Big Story,” for Church Planting Sunday. You won’t want to miss this special Sunday, with guest Brent Peterson, who is planting Summit 419 Church in Coalville, UT. And you won’t want to miss our special announcement near the end about The Front Church (the 22:21 marker).

                "Wanting a Better World" - The Big Story Part 1

                [February 18, 2024] This week our Lead Pastor Nate Ray kicks off our new teaching series, “The Big Story.” New to Jesus’ story? New to the Bible? Been a Christian for a minute, but don’t feel like you know what to say when trying to share Jesus’ story with someone else? This teaching series is the perfect series for you! Follow along with us; you’ll be glad you did.

                Want to dig a little deeper? Find recommended resources here.

                [This teaching series is inspired by the work of James Choung. You can learn more about James Choung and The Big Story here.]