
Is the Bible pro-violence? What’s with the violent pictures of God in the Old Testament? Our Lead Pastor Nate Ray continues our teaching series, “How (Not) to Read the Bible.” This message will help give you handles when you come across passages like the one he’ll talk about from Joshua 10. When we remember the Bible was written for us, but not to us, we can better grapple with passages like these. Listen as he concludes our series.

March 19, 2023

Recommended Additional Resources Nate referenced during his message:
👉🏼 How (Not) to Read the Bible – Dan Kimball
👉🏼 Nate Ray – “Dear Joe” (essay) – https://drive.google.com/file/d/1L5pszELz3P9c3XLOKw9zPjeNZ2kUjNGb/view?usp=sharing
👉🏼 Joshua Butler – Skeletons in God’s Closet (book)
👉🏼 Paul Copan – Is God a Moral Monster? (book)
👉🏼 John Walton – The Lost World of the Israelite Conquest (book)
✴️”Is God Good?” – A Weekend with Paul Copan. This event is held locally at The Bridge Community in Centerville, UT, a partner church of The Front. I’ll be there on Saturday and Sunday night. You should join me. Find more information here – https://thebridgeutah.org/events/2023/04/22/is-god-good-a-weekend-with-paul-copan

Did you like the message? Share it – tell people what you liked – and join us in inviting as many people as possible to experience Jesus’ story.

The Front Church is a new church in the Salt Lake Valley, inviting as many people as possible to experience Jesus’ story. To learn more, visit www.thefrontchurch.com

[How (Not) to Read the Bible is a teaching series based on Dan Kimball’s book, “How (Not) to Read the Bible.” Find out more by visiting https://www.dankimball.com]

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