
Our Lead Pastor Nate Ray continues our teaching series, “Christmas Interrupted.” This Sunday, we take a look at the shepherds. The shepherds needed the lies they believed about themselves interrupted by a word from God. They thought they weren’t worth God’s love; they thought God was far away; they thought God didn’t notice; they thought because of their mistakes, they had to earn God’s love. In their own eyes, they thought very little of themselves. In the eyes of society, they were outcasts. In the eyes of religious society, they were religious outcasts. But God chose these shepherds to announce the good news of His Son. We invite you to look at this story with us with fresh eyes.

December 11, 2022

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The Front Church is a new church in the Salt Lake Valley, inviting as many people as possible to experience Jesus’ story. To learn more, visit www.thefrontchurch.com

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