
Mercy is not the currency of our culture; shame and unforgiveness are. Shame and unforgiveness are used as the tools to effect change for those not in our “tribe,” whether that be a political tribe, a religious tribe, or any sort of idealogical tribe. We get away with our use of shame and unforgiveness by calling it “justice,” but for most of our culture, it’s justice without a path towards redemption. This way of effecting change works, but only for a minute… It’s not the way Jesus effects change or invites us to effect change. The currency of Jesus’ culture is mercy. Listen as our Lead Pastor Nate continues our teaching series on The Good Life.

October 23, 2022

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The Front Church is a new church in the Salt Lake Valley, inviting as many people as possible to experience Jesus’ story. To learn more, visit www.thefrontchurch.com

[The Good Life is a teaching series inspired by Derwin Gray’s book, “The Good Life: What Jesus Teaches about Finding True Happiness.” You can learn more by visiting https://thegoodlifebook.net]

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